In keeping with our mission statement, we offer the following ministries and areas of participation so that we can meet the needs of our congregation, our community and beyond:
Adult Education - St. Ambrose has various offerings, including Adult Forum sessions, special Lenten studies, and Bible/book study groups. (See also: Bible Study/Book Study)
Altar Guild - Members of this group help to prepare the church, sacred vessels, linens and vestments for worship services.
Bible Study/Book Study - We have a Bible study or book study approximately every six weeks, with a one week break in between each series. We alternate between studying a book of the Bible or reading a book relevant to Christian life and ministry. These studies are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM and run approximately one hour. Please contact the church office for a schedule of upcoming studies.
Buildings & Grounds - This committee reviews and oversees the handling of cleaning, repairs and maintenance to church property.
Choir - Persons of all ages join together each week to enhance the worship service with beautiful music.
Circle of Prayer - This group meets once a month to pray for the needs of our congregants and others.
Community Engagement - The purpose of this ministry is to discern and recommend parish support for local, national, and international ministry opportunities. Our Alternative Christmas market is an extension of this ministry.
Fellowship - This committee plans and coordinates various fellowship events throughout the year for the congregation.
Finance - This committee meets monthly to review current church finances, making recommendations for the most responsible and efficient use of funds.
Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) - Following a period of discernment, training and certification, a Lay Eucharistic Minister participates in Sunday services by assisting the priest (celebrant) during the Eucharist and by leading the Prayers of the People. (A LEM may also take the Eucharist out to congregants who are sick or housebound, while also providing them with comfort, support and prayer - See Lay Eucharistic Visitor.)
Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV) - Following a period of discernment and training, a Lay Eucharistic Visitor takes communion out to those members who are not able to attend services, while also providing them with comfort, support, and prayer.
Lectors - Members of the Parish are invited to read scripture lessons (from the Revised Common Lectionary readings appointed for the week) during each Sunday service.
Pastoral Care - A vital part of any congregation, the rector works with individuals and other ministry groups to make sure that congregation members experiencing various needs are provided with attention, comfort, and spiritual care.
Showers – A unique and critical ministry. Two days per week St. Ambrose provides men, women and children the luxury to shower, shampoo and shave in a clean, safe, respectful environment. Much in demand, additional volunteers needed.
Stewardship - As stewards of God's creation, our parish seeks to encourage members to give generously of themselves toward the work of Christ, not just financially, but also be devoting their time and energies to other vital areas of ministry within our parish and the community.
Ushers - This ministry is vital to our life here at St. Ambrose. An usher is often the first friendly face that one encounters when he or she enters the church. Ushers greet and assist parishioners and newcomers, assist with seating, collecting the offering, and guiding people to the altar during the Eucharist.
Would you like some additional information about one or more of these ministries or groups? Please contact the church office at 909-626-7170 or by email at